D-Sector for Development Community

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Few things can be more real than the Development sector, even in this age of Reality Shows and candid camera. For, Development involves Real People (marginalized sections, whole communities, ordinary citizens, special people …) facing Real Issues (poverty, health, education, rights …), with help from those who are really interested - the Development Practitioners.

These highly motivated individuals make constant efforts to 'remain in touch' with an exploding galaxy of information, but the absence of a reliable source takes a toll on their efficacy.

Though, there is a profusion of portals, blogs and service initiatives within the Development sector, but not many are focused on addressing the needs of the people who are in the thick of it all - the Development Practitioners.

The d-sector aims to provide clear space, authentic information and usable services for the domain experts, activists, policy makers, academics, researchers, interested students and institutions to help them cope with the rising demands of the sector.

Since these Development Practitioners play the most crucial role in the success of a Development initiative, The d-sector endeavours to help in their efforts by offering a facilitating forum for all of them.

To cater to current and future needs of the Development sector, The d-sector is designed to:

  • help in better dissemination of news and views
  • facilitate informed discussion and consultations
  • provide a clearing house of usable information
  • showcase learnings and best practices
  • cater to the needs of institutions and individuals in the sector

The content on d-sector will be authentic, credible and exciting. While enough of interesting and useful content will be made available for free viewing and use, exclusive content will be offered to the registered users. This is to ensure that the serious practitioner has his/her space. In this aspect, The d-sector would be unique amongst those dedicated to the cause of Development.

By offering online as well as offline services, The d-sector will ensure that these services remain a real help to all members of the Development community - not just to a privileged few !

Comments, suggestions, content contributions and questions may be addressed to:
Queries and mails regarding subscription and special services may be addressed to:


Right to Information (RTI) has come under scanner for various reasons. While some people have begun to misuse it to serve personal agenda or to blackmail & harass officials; many public servants feel overly burdened by fast increasing demands for irrelevant information which takes time to collect, compile and provide to the seekers. Naturally, it affects working of sincere govt employees who now avoid making any would-be-controversial noting on the official files. But all this can not dilute the contribution RTI has made in empowering the helpless citizens. Therefore, instead of diluting RTI, all information of public interest should be compulsorily made available on govt websites to avoid all the hassles to citizens and officials.

Lead View
One percent v/s 99 percent
By Devinder Sharma
21 Oct 2011

"Occupy Wall Street" is an expression of resentment against public policies that treat democracies as private club run by rich, for the rich. In many ways, anti-Wall Street movement is like ..
Focus Area

Agriculture - Duties and Rights - Economics - Education - Environment - Equality and Non-discrimination - Food - Governance - Health - Physical Development - Politics - Social Welfare - Society - Water and Sanitation - WTO and Globalisation

Book Shelf | view all

The Politics of Belonging in the Himalayas

Dead Ringers

Climate Change

Understanding Gandhi

Commentators | view all
Devinder Sharma
Carmen Miranda
Pandurang Hegde
Sudhirendar Sharma
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Projects & Tenders | view all
Government of India - Ministry of Culture call application for grants in performing arts
Exp. Date: Dec 31, 2011
Prizes & Awards
Whitley Fund for Nature - Call for applications for the Whitley Awards 2012