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People's Forum

At d-sector.org, we strongly believe in dialogue. More often than not, the important concerns and viewpoints of concerned citizens get drowned in the intense expert opinions and simplistic interpretations. While domain experts will continue to guide us on various dimensions of development debate, we encourage our site visitors to initiate and involve in the discussions on critical issues.
This people’s forum is open to all. Now you don’t have to keep that wonderful suggestion and constructive criticism to yourself, share it here with others. If you feel an important issue is being ignored in the public discourse, raise it here and invite comments. We will allow every intelligent comment to be uploaded, but use of forum for uncivilized and illegal purposes will not be allowed. We request all users to help us maintain the dignity and sincerity of public discourse by reporting such messages to the forum moderator.

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Start Date Last Post
Can technology help remove poverty?

[ 0 ]

25-10-2011 25-10-2011
Land Acquisition disputes: A fight for better compensation or struggle for survival?

[ 5 ]

17-05-2011 07-10-2011
Is commercialisation of education eroding moral values?

[ 7 ]

30-06-2010 15-08-2011
Does meaningful cinema leave a lasting influence on the society?

[ 6 ]

13-08-2010 23-05-2011
Is not our agriculture minister answerable to the suffering 50000 villagers of Kasargod?

[ 2 ]

07-04-2011 08-04-2011
India's Population: Demographic advantage or massive burden?

[ 5 ]

31-10-2010 30-01-2011
Rising crime against women: Law and order problem or social degradation?

[ 2 ]

23-11-2010 26-01-2011
Why do we waste money on events like Commonwealth Games?

[ 15 ]

16-06-2010 11-11-2010
Poor of the world pay for the luxuries of the rich

[ 6 ]

16-06-2010 31-10-2010
Dialogue on Kashmir?

[ 3 ]

29-10-2010 29-10-2010
Bhopal gas tragedy verdict raises questions

[ 5 ]

16-06-2010 19-07-2010






Today we see more commitment to protect nature, but the understanding of the real and long term risks to environment is still poor. Many 'celebrity activists' get hyper on issues with little or temporary impact like use of fire-crackers on Diwali but feign ignorance of dangers of deforestation for 'development' projects or widespread mining in green areas. There is no dearth of 'green campaigners' who cry hoarse over occasional offering of flowers and ash to holy rivers, but never utter a word against tonnes of hazardous industrial waste released daily into water bodies and air. Such selective approach will not help environment, on the contrary it will create doubts in the minds of people about the real intentions of the activists.

Lead View
When villages fought over surplus water
By Dinesh Kumar Mishra
25 Oct 2011

The common understanding is that all water related conflicts arise because of its scarcity. But there have been instances in Bihar, when myopic engineering measures led to violent struggles among flood ..
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The Politics of Belonging in the Himalayas

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Government of India - Ministry of Culture call application for grants in performing arts
Exp. Date: Dec 31, 2011
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Whitley Fund for Nature - Call for applications for the Whitley Awards 2012