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Sharp Quotes
By D-Sector Editorial Team

Interesting, profound or out of the box comments on various issues.
"Many have shared apprehensions with me on providing cereals at Re 1 per kg (under the Act)...If the government buys jowar at Rs 30 and sell cereals at Re 1 per kg, I think it will affect the country's economy."
- Sharad Pawar, Agriculture Minister of India

"We have to look at the data of recent years before we declare that the performance of the XI plan’s poverty alleviation schemes failed. The data will be available only two years later."
- Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission

"If the rural works are taken up properly, we will be successful in dealing with Naxalism in the next five or six years."
- Jairam Ramesh, Rural Development Minister

"Music is a vast subject. There is mathematics and grammar in music. Unless one knows all of it, he cannot become good singer. One should learn music for 15 years before actually trying their hands at singing ghazals."
- Jagjit Singh, famous Ghazal singer few days before his death

"Citizens are more important than Parliament. It is in the Constitution. Anna Hazare and every citizen is supreme."
- Arvind Kejriwal, anti-corruption activist

"It is ironic when someone who runs a body-shopping company and calls it hi-tech, makes sweeping comments on the quality of IIT students. "
- Chetan Bhagat, writer on Narayan Murthy's comment on IITians

"The money that was meant for NREGA has been diverted for purchase of Boleros and Pajeros."
- Jairam Ramesh, Rural Development Minister

"We have 1.5 lakh varieties of rice and this is because of the knowledge that our farmers, tribals and adivasis have. We need to protect them. We should see ourselves as trustees of nature, the wealth we are born with."
- Dr M S Swaminathan, renowned agricultural scientist

"At this dramatic time in the Middle East, when there have been so many changes, it's not a good situation for Israel to become increasingly isolated. And that's what's happening."
- Leon Panetta, U.S. Defense Secretary


Right to Information (RTI) has come under scanner for various reasons. While some people have begun to misuse it to serve personal agenda or to blackmail & harass officials; many public servants feel overly burdened by fast increasing demands for irrelevant information which takes time to collect, compile and provide to the seekers. Naturally, it affects working of sincere govt employees who now avoid making any would-be-controversial noting on the official files. But all this can not dilute the contribution RTI has made in empowering the helpless citizens. Therefore, instead of diluting RTI, all information of public interest should be compulsorily made available on govt websites to avoid all the hassles to citizens and officials.

Lead View
One percent v/s 99 percent
By Devinder Sharma
21 Oct 2011

"Occupy Wall Street" is an expression of resentment against public policies that treat democracies as private club run by rich, for the rich. In many ways, anti-Wall Street movement is like ..
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The Politics of Belonging in the Himalayas

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Devinder Sharma
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Government of India - Ministry of Culture call application for grants in performing arts
Exp. Date: Dec 31, 2011
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Whitley Fund for Nature - Call for applications for the Whitley Awards 2012