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Ethiopia moves ahead, despite problems

Exclusive among the African countries, The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has never been colonized, apart from a five-year occupation by Mussolini's Italy. Poverty is so deep-rooted that Ethiopia is counted as one of the poorest countries in the world with per capita income of only $110 dollars per year. Agriculture accounts for half of the country’s GDP, 90% of exports and 80% of total employment. Still Ethiopians have not pinned any hopes from agro-industry as it depends totally on the erratic weather conditions. Agriculture sector suffers from drought and poor cultivation practices. This deprives over 5 million people of food and basic nutrition each year. The image of famine and drought has long defined the world’s view of Ethiopia.

The nation has a rich traditional background and a lot to tell of its long history. It is mentioned in both the testaments of Bible and the civilization can be traced back to 1100 BC. Sadly the country of rich tradition is succumbing to environmental, social and economic hassles. The country suffers from extreme poverty, lack of basic facilities like food, health care, housing, education, safe and healthy environment. In the absence of basic amenities, life expectancy of Ethiopians is as low as 48 years. It is a vicious circle of natural calamities like draught and famine, which leads to poverty, malnourishment and then heavy dependence on external food assistance.

The condition is no better in other areas like healthcare and education. With only 33% of boys and less then 20% girls enrolled in school, education is found in patches. Inadequate teachers, materials and school facilities are main reasons behind poor education in Ethiopia.

Healthcare facilities too are limited only to a few cities and totally insufficient in places outside the city. Only about 20% of Ethiopians have genuine access to some form of primary care. Lack of medical equipments and medicines add to the woe of Ethiopians.

Ethiopia is in strong grip of such many problems making the life of Ethiopians miserable. Still, amidst all the despondency, if worked on the tourism of the nation, it might find a hope to start things afresh and make living of Ethiopians better.

Ethiopia's distressed image is painfully real: bloody war and famine have taken their toll on the country. Despite this, Ethiopia's ancient history and superb landscape make it a wonderful destination for culture and nature lovers. With development of tourist infrastructure, it can become a tourist’s paradise.

  |  Editor's Note


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