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 Learning|Scholarships and Fellowships


Inclusive media fellowships for journalists 2011
12 Sep 2011

Last Date: 30 September 2011

Inclusive Media for Change, an initiative of the Delhi-based centre for study of developing societies (CSDS), is inviting applications from print and electronic journalists for media fellowships to explore grassroots issues in rural communities.

The fellowships are open to fulltime and freelance English and Hindi journalists. The fellowship duration is 3-6 weeks, and the amount on offer is Rs 150,000.

The topics and projects chosen must be about rural livelihoods, agrarian crises, rural environment, distress migration, hunger, malnutrition, public health and primary education.

Applications must be accompanied by a 500-word synopsis of the project proposal, a break-up of five story ideas, two samples of published work, a rough break-up of travel/boarding requirements, and a supporting letter from the editor assuring leave for four weeks and publication of the fellowship output.

Completed applications can be mailed to

The last date for submission of applications is 30 September 2011.

Last Date: 30 Sep 2011


Government of India wants to give a unique ID number and a smart card, with biometric data in electronic chip, to every citizen. It aims to improve governance through increased usage of technology. Noble intention, indeed! But how to improve efficiency of people who collect, store and transmit this data into the card and secure databases? Don’t we know the blunders made in printing names, birth dates etc which appear on ration cards, voter cards and other ID proofs? Think about mixing & mis-match of biometric data like fingerprints and iris scan! Considering the sensitivity of electronic chips, and inability of poor farmers & labourers to keep it free of wear & tear, how effective & long lasting such smart cards would be if used regularly? And, in case of frequent replacements, who will bear the cost? 

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Saving Punjab farmer
By Devinder Sharma
04 Oct 2011

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